Friday, April 17, 2009

Tea Party USA—The Story is the Story

Over 2,000 tea parties were held throughout the U.S. on April 15, over 700 of them in major cities. By all estimates there were overwhelming numbers of attendees at these events, highlighting it as a marked moment in history. Even in light of all of the other movements (such as the Vietnam War, civil rights, women’s right to vote, etc.) which have all notably marked our history, this is the first time that everyday citizens have rallied in such record numbers. Even more significant is that the majority of those who attended these Tea Parties had never attended a rally previously. That’s right. These were not paid ACLU or ACORN advocates orchestrating a fake grassroots movement. These were everyday Americans, leaving the comfort of their security, even some taking time off from work, to finally let their voices be heard. Thousands came out in spite of severe inclement weather. But that’s not the story. The story is the story.

On April 15th and all day yesterday, no major newspaper or mainstream news station (non-cable) covered this story with any more time or emphasis than they would have a basement flooding in a person’s home. Network news didn’t cover it, except that NBC personally, on a 3rd grade level, attacked the folks who showed up for such events. Not so surprising was CNN represented by a female reporter who was blatantly prosecutorial throughout the course of her “interviewing” of Tea Party attendees. THIS was the story in spite of the fact that this act of so many, even novices, gathering in protest of their government was a truly historical day.

And yet how were the acts of these modern-day Patriots portrayed? With scoffs, and “intellectual” scorns. Their intelligence was insulted. Their education was questioned. Even their virtue and parental capabilities were slandered. Not by a few, but by the mainstream media. Does anybody wonder why an “Us vs. Them” mentality has begun to manifest itself in our America? Better yet, does anyone wonder why newspapers are now begging for a bailout? Pelosi has the audacity to call these historical efforts “astroturf” contrived by the wealthy. Really? Raise your hand if you were compensated one penny to protest at a Tea Party. Better yet, raise your hand if it actually COST you money to be there.

As honest, law-abiding, tax-paying citizens took to the streets to make their rationale voices heard, the cowardly sheep stayed at work on their computers posting anonymous comments as to the caliber of the individuals doing so. One person commented on the “lack of education” of those who would take such proactive actions. I ask you—you, who cowers in your cubicle to mock those who stand—just how much education does one need in order to understand that they are being raped and pillaged? They don’t need to have an understanding of the constitution to know that they’ve got more bills than they have money right now. They don’t need a PhD to understand that they’ve been laid off of their jobs. And are you aware, Oh Stupid One, that the majority of the millions of Americans who laid the groundwork of this United States only had the education equivalent of our present fourth grade level?

Was the Boston Tea Party of 1773 merely “astroturf,” Pelosi? In my patriotic, fed up opinion, those who would deride the genuine efforts of April 15th are indeed the enemy of our freedoms. Regardless of what position they hold, what power they wield, or how much money they make, they are the no different than those who opposed the original Boston Tea Party of 1773, favoring instead the mythical power and influence of the tyrannical King George.

Remember this—Tyrants and Traitors of Our Freedom—when the day comes that you find yourself void of the freedoms which you’ve come to take for granted, yea, even that day when the very freedom which permits you to mock and scorn in the name of journalism is eliminated, don’t ask me to defend you, for I will truly “know you not.” Instead I will be focused and fighting solely for those who have a deep-seeded virtue of Freedom within them.

Copyright 2009 Kellene Bishop. All rights reserved.
You are welcome to repost this information so long as it is credited to Kellene Bishop.

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